{"id":3769,"date":"2020-11-24T16:34:42","date_gmt":"2020-11-24T15:34:42","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sednet.org\/?p=3769"},"modified":"2020-11-24T16:34:42","modified_gmt":"2020-11-24T15:34:42","slug":"green-airports-and-ports-as-hubs-for-sustainable-and-smart-mobility","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/sednet.org\/green-airports-and-ports-as-hubs-for-sustainable-and-smart-mobility\/","title":{"rendered":"Green airports and ports as hubs for sustainable and smart mobility"},"content":{"rendered":"

The SedNet workgroup Sediments in Circular Economy (WGCE) is interested to work with partners on the EU HORIZON2020 Green airports and ports as hubs for sustainable and smart mobility call<\/em>, focusing on the sediment related topics.<\/p>\n

In short, the expertise of WGCE is with anything sediment related. From dredging and sediments as part of a ports asset management to innovative solution with sediment, reducing the Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by alternative dredging technologies, finding local solutions for sediment applications with or without strengthening of the sediment. If you wish to get in contact with us, please mail the SedNet WGCE chair Bruno Lemi\u00e8re<\/a> or co-chair Arjan Wijdeveld<\/a> or contact one of the members who are interested in this call directly:<\/p>\n