Working Group Sediment Quality

Sediment quality has been at the core of SedNet activities since its inception, promoting and facilitating the exchange among experts and stakeholders on sediment quality and sediment risk assessment from a management perspective. 

The SedNet Working Group on Sediment Quality aims to coordinate SedNet activities in this thematic area, being a multidisciplinary platform for communication and education about sediment quality and risk assessment and the needs for future action in policymaking, also acting as the contact point at SedNet for sediment quality related questions.

The WG Sediment Quality has the following objectives:

Increase awareness for sediment quality management, by promoting understanding of the challenges and potential solutions;

Information exchange between members on good practices, policy, research and project developments and new approaches to enhance sediment quality management in Europe;

To develop or facilitate the preparation of technical documents and open-source, public, web-based information;

Setting or developing a strategic action agenda to help to bring forward sediment quality assessment and management strategies at international and cross-sectoral level.

SedNet is an open network. Any individual who is professionally occupied with sediment can participate in the SedNet activities, including the activities of the SedNet Working Group on Sediment Quality. 

Participation is a personal responsibility and encompasses that you share and (co)operate according to the SedNet vision on sediment and its management.
Interested in getting involved in and contribute to this WG? Then please contact the SedNet Secretariat.

Chairs SedNet WG Sediment Quality

Prof. Dr. Susanne Heise, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany and Dr. Carmen Casado, Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology, Switzerland

Working Group Meetings

September 2018

Workshop on Sediment Classification and Management Decisions – in situ and ex situ, Hamburg, September 2018, organized by SedNet and the Sullied Sediments project.

October 2020

Workshop on The Role of Ecotoxicological Data in Sediment Quality and Dredged Material Assessment Frameworks, virtual workshop, organized by SedNet, ICES and the Sullied Sediments project. The full report in English, French, German and Dutch is available.

June 2024

From June 4-5 2024, the SedNet workshop was held in Hamburg, Germany. The Working Group Circular Economy and the Working Group Quality held joint sessions. View the full workshop program as well as the workshop summary.


Workshop Report “The Role of Ecotoxicological Data in Sediment Quality and Dredged Material Assessment Frameworks”, dated 2020

English | French | German | Dutch

Report of  the Workshop on “Sediment Classification and Management Decisions – in situ and ex situ, Hamburg, September 2018”, organized by SedNet and the Sullied Sediments project