Working Group Sediment Quantity

The SedNet Working Group Sediment Quantity focusses at the scale of the entire, interconnected river-sea systems – taking a ‘from the mountains to the sea’ perspective – including lower spatial and temporal scales.

The WG takes a holistic approach, with a keen eye on stakeholder and grassroots involvement and striving towards exchange of the best management practices. 

Thus, respecting the SedNet perspective on sustainable sediment management, which is to find implementable sediment management solutions.

– In the context of whole river-sea systems;

– Carefully balancing social, economic and environmental values;

– In interaction with stakeholders and grassroots interests;

– Embracing the whole soil-sediment-water system (integrated solutions);

– Respecting natural processes and functions;

– Taking into account effects from climate change dynamics;

– Not resulting in unwanted impacts elsewhere in the river-sea system (up- or downstream), not now, nor in the future;

– Recommending early suggestions to policy/decision makers as well as educating the public on the necessity of understanding this delicate river-sea balance and how and where the recommendations of the SedNet Quantity WG can be implemented.

The WG Quantity has the following strategic objectives:

– To increase the general awareness for Sediment Quantity Management by:

– the need to justify and incorporate Sediment Quantity Management on a river-sea system scale, i.e. the scale of a river basin and related coasts (and lower spatial and inherent temporal scales);

– understanding the challenges related to Sediment Quantity Management and of the solutions to these challenges and;

– demonstrating potential or opportunities of Sediment Quantity Management in the short, medium and long-term horizons;

– To promote the sharing of experiences and best management practices among all stakeholders of Sediment Quantity Management, including those already realizing their stake, and those who do not yet (grassroots organizations, industry and the public) recognize/realize their stake, at international, regional/local and national levels;

– To develop or facilitate the preparation of technical “good practice guidance” and open-source, public, web-based information;

– To promote industry based solutions where the beneficial use of sediments can be utilized to mitigate physical and/or geotechnical – hydrodynamic challenges within the mountains to sea continuum;

– Setting or developing a strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA) related to basin integrated Sediment Quantity Management, not only focussing on research, but also on sound solutions (measures), their effectiveness and realistic implementability;

– Promoting the developed research and innovation agenda (SRIA), e.g. within (get it, or parts of it adopted by) EC FP9 , JPI Water , JPI Oceans as well as within DANUBIUS-RI . But possibly also to beyond European R&I funding opportunities, such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank, United Nations (UNESCO, UNEP, USAID, ERC, …), foundations, industry etc.

Working Group Meetings

March 2018

November 2018

SedNet is an open network. Any individual who is professionally occupied with sediment can participate in the SedNet activities, including the activities of the SedNet Working Group Sediment Quantity. Participation is a personal responsibility and encompasses that you share and (co)operate according to the SedNet vision on sediment and its management (see: 

Chairs SedNet WG Sediment Quantity:

Prof. Dr. Helmut Habersack
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria and Dr. Ad van der Spek, Deltares, the Netherlands