10th International SedNet Conference “Sediments on the move”
14-17 June 2017 at the Palazzo San Giorgio, Genoa, Italy

with pre-conference sessions on 13 June 2017


Co-organized by DISTAV – University of Genoa, Italy
Hosted/sponsored by the Port Authority of Genoa



From 14-17 June 2017 SedNet organized its 10th International Conference in collaboration with DISTAV-University of Genoa. Approx. 150 sediment specialists participated to the event.

The conference programme contained 12 sessions with oral presentations, and miscellaneous poster sessions.
Abstracts and slides of (poster) presentations can be found in the section “Downloads” on the right side of this page.

SedNet wishes to thank all the speakers and poster-presenters for their contributions, and the Local Organizing Team of the University of Genoa – DISTAV – for all their work which made this conference a success!

We hope to meet you at the 11th SedNet conference in 2019 – date/venue to be confirmed!


Marc Eisma, chairman of SedNet, thanks the Local Organizing Team:
Marco Capello, Laura Cutroneo, Alice Briola , Sirio Consani, Greta Vagge and Giulia Maurici








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