international symposium on bedload management in Switzerland

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor international symposium on bedload management in Switzerland News

Carlos R. Wyss, Switzerland

Last year, an international symposium on bedload management was held in Switzerland.
The objective was to create and review knowledge and praxis in bedload
management to support the implementation of restoration measures.

The proceedings might be of interest ->


Wyss C.R., De Cesare G., Lane S.N., Marti C., Nitsche M., Pauli M., Schweizer S., Weitbrecht V. (Editors), 2021. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Bedload Management. 2021, 8-10 November 2021, Interlaken, Switzerland. Wasser-Agenda 21. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000513098.