
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Organization

SedNet is an open network. Any individual who is professionally occupied with sediment can participate in the SedNet activities. Participation is a personal responsibility and encompasses that you share and (co)operate according to the SedNet vision on sediment and its management. If you want to stay informed about SedNet activities, then please send an email to the SedNet secretariat.

A Steering Group and a Secretariat support SedNet’s work. Steering Group members are individuals from administration, science, authorities, consultancy, etc. Some of these institutions and companies financially support the network (see below).

SedNet cooperates with several other networks and organizations (see Cooperation).

SedNet supporting organizations and Steering Group members

Standaard HbR logo

Port of Rotterdam Authority
Marc Eisma (Chairman SedNet Steering Group)
Andrea Barbanti
Damià Barceló
Jos Brils and Arjan Wijdeveld
Hamburg Port Authority
Henrich Röper
Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG)
Vera Breitung
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Susanne Heise
Port Authority Antwerp
Agnes Heylen
International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)
Igor Liska
Philippe Negrel
ISPRA, Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Antonella Ausili and Elena Romano
Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
Pieter de Boer and Edwin van der Wel
Ecotox Centre
Carmen Casado and Benoît Ferrari
University of Lisbon
Cristina Lira
Flemish Government, Dept. Mobility and Public Works
Edward Van Keer and Jürgen Suffis
OVAM, Public Waste Agency of Flanders
Dirk Dedecker and Froukje Kuijk
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)
Helmut Habersack and Marlene Haimann
Rothamsted Research – North Wyke
Adrian Collins
Adrian Stanica
irb-croatia-logoRuđer Bošković Institute
Jasmina Obhođaš
 ELSA – Remediation of contaminated Elbe sediments
Ilka Carls
CSIC – Institute of Construction Sciences Eduardo Torroja (IETcc-CSIC)
Marta Castellote Armero