Joined SedNet Working Groups Workshop and Meeting 3 – 5 June 2024 in Hamburg, Germany

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From June 4-5, the SedNet workshop was held in Hamburg, Germany, bringing together experts, researchers, and professionals to discuss the latest developments and innovations in sediment management. On June 4th, the Working Group Circular Economy and the Working Group Quality held joint sessions, while the Working Group Education-Science-Policy Interfacing & Sediment Management Concepts (ESPI-SMC) also organised a session.

On June 5th, the excursion took place to the METHA Plant, the dewatering and S25 Project fields. The site visits were followed by a guided boat tour through the Harbor of Hamburg. The excursion day concluded with a delightful dinner.

The workshop was a fantastic opportunity for networking, learning, and sharing knowledge with professionals from diverse backgrounds.

Below you will find the workshop program, the summaries of the workshops and presentations.

To give you an impression of the SedNet workshop, we have compiled a short aftermovie.

SedNet Aftermovie Play

Thank you to all participants and presenters during the workshop days. If you are interested in learning more about SedNet activities or joining a working group, please reach out to the SedNet secretariat.

Contact Persons:

Working Group Sediment Quality:
Susanne Heise (Hamburg University of Applied Science, Germany) / Carmen Casado (Centre Ecotox, Switzerland)

Working Group Circular Economy:
Arjan Wijdeveld (Deltares, The Netherlands) / Julia Gebert (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Education-Science-Policy Interfacing & Sediment Management Concepts:
Edward Van Keer (Flemish Government, Belgium) / Cristina Ponte Lira (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

For the site visit:
Karsten Lehmann (Port of Hamburg, Waterside Infrastructure, Germany)