PIANC Survey on implementation of Sediment Beneficial Use

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The EnviComWorking Group 214 (WG214, Sediment Beneficial Use) of PIANC has prepared a survey on how Sediment Beneficial Use is implemented globally, which you can find using the following link:  PIANC WG 214 Sediment Beneficial Use Survey. This survey and working group are in large part a follow-up of the recent CEDA Working Group on Beneficial Use of Sediments and it is closely related to the SedNet working group on Sediment and Circular Economy.

We wish to ask all SedNet members with interest or association to Beneficial Sediment Use to complete this survey by November 15.

The survey should not take more than 20 minutes of your time. Our hope is to compile results of the survey and to include those results in the guidance document we are preparing on Sediment Beneficial Use. Results will be published without individual attribution to protect everyone’s privacy. Please take a moment to complete this on-line survey at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your time and interest in this subject.

Contact: Luca Sittoni and Victor Magar, Co-Chairs PIANC EnviCom WG214