Compiled by: Marjan Euser (
Subscription Service: SedNet Secretariat (
Disclaimer: SedNet is not responsible for faults due to incorrectness of info in this newsletter
Previous issues:


  • Deadline Call for abstracts 12th SedNet Conference
  • 5th Meeting SedNet WG Sediments in Circular Economy
  • JSS Open-Access papers on sediment
  • PIANC Survey on implementation of Sediment Beneficial Use
  • Beneficial use of sediments: Case studies
  • IMMERSE Transnational Estuary Exchange Lab
  • Flemish Sediment Management Concept 2022-2027
  • Upcoming events

Click here for a pdf of the newsletter   


Deadline for submitting abstracts: 1 December 2020
12th International SedNet Conference, Lille, France
“Sediment Challenges and Opportunities due to Climate Change and Sustainable Development”
on 29 June – 2 July 2021 

co-organised by BRGM

Please see the conference webpage for the full text of the Call for Abstracts and the template for submission of abstracts.


SedNet Working Group “Sediments in Circular Economy”

The 5th meeting of the SedNet WG “Sediments in Circular Economy” (WGCE5) was held as a videoconference on November 5th. It was attended by 43 participants from 11 countries.

The program began by 6 technical presentations, followed by lively Q/A sessions:

  • Pilot projects for beneficial use: the Port of Rotterdam SURICATES sediment relocation project (Deltares and Port of Rotterdam – Arjan Wijdeveld and Marco Wensveen)
  • Pilot projects for beneficial use: Bowling SURICATES sediment land restoration, tidal and flood protection project (Scottish Canals and Strathclyde University – Keith Torrance and Richard Lord)
  • Dehydration equipment as a support for beneficial use of dredged sediments (IXSANE, Tristan Debuigne and Mohammed Boumahdi)
  • Mineral processing techniques as a support for beneficial use of sediments (CTP, Mathieu Henry)
  • The impact of gas on sediment rheology (Julia Gebert, Florian Zander, TU Delft)
  • Sediments (contaminated) behind dams and river restoration – mass stabilization processing, and beneficial use. Case Study: Gorge Dam, Ohio (Eric Stern, Montclair State U. and Tipping Point Resources Group and Robert Miskewitz, Rutgers U., USA)

Then followed two updates on Emerging compounds and sediment management – contaminants under recent focus, PFAS and microplastics.

A work session was held on the White paper on Circular Economy and Beneficial Use of Sediments currently elaborated by the WG.

The current Green Deal call for research proposals was discussed and gave opportunities for SedNet members to network and express interest in joining consortia.

An update was provided on the 2021 SedNet conference in Lille, France, and its Circular Economy session. The call for papers was reminded.

Would you like to get involved in the SedNet WG “Sediments in Circular Economy”? Then please contact the SedNet Secretariat. Information on previous meetings of the WG can be found here.


JSS Open-Access papers on sediment

All 7 papers from the forthcoming (December) issue of the Journal on Soils and Sediments on “Advances in sediment science and management” are now available on the JSS website and all but one are open-access and available to all. The weblinks are below:


PIANC Survey on implementation of Sediment Beneficial Use

The EnviComWorking Group 214 (WG214, Sediment Beneficial Use) of PIANC has prepared a survey on how Sediment Beneficial Use is implemented globally, which you can find using the following link:  PIANC WG 214 Sediment Beneficial Use Survey. This survey and working group are in large part a follow-up of the recent CEDA Working Group on Beneficial Use of Sediments and it is closely related to the SedNet working group on Sediment and Circular Economy.

We wish to ask all SedNet members with interest or association to Beneficial Sediment Use to complete this survey by November 15.

The survey should not take more than 20 minutes of your time. Our hope is to compile results of the survey and to include those results in the guidance document we are preparing on Sediment Beneficial Use. Results will be published without individual attribution to protect everyone’s privacy. Please take a moment to complete this on-line survey at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your time and interest in this subject.

Contact: Luca Sittoni and Victor Magar, Co-Chairs PIANC EnviCom WG214


Beneficial use of sediments: Case studies

The Working Group on the Beneficial Use of Sediments (WGBU) of CEDA (Central Dredging Association) and its associates collected 38 cases in connection with the preparation of two papers:

The cases were undertaken in 11 countries, over the last 30 years, with the focus on the last decade.

Members of WGBU invite the professional community to share their experiences with the CEDA community. Submitted case studies will be reviewed by the WG and uploaded to the website of CEDA.

See the website of CEDA for more information.


Next IMMERSE Transnational Estuary Exchange Lab (TEEL), online on 24 November 2020

IMMERSE aims to accelerate the implementation of large-scale measures that address multiple estuary management challenges, while increasing their cost-efficiency and enhancing stakeholder commitment. More information is available on the project website:

In order to advance development and transfer of solutions across estuaries in the North Sea Region, IMMERSE is organizing an online TEEL on the topic of sediment management in estuaries and estuary governance structures and processes. Presentations and discussions will focus the development of innovative methods and how sediment management strategies can contribute to improving the quality of estuarine systems. This event was originally planned in person for April 2020, and the programme has been adapted to an online format using audience interaction tools and interactive discussions to share transnational knowledge and experiences.

A draft programme is available on the event page. The day will be organized around three sessions:

  • Introductory session: ‘Transnational Estuary Exchange: Introducing IMMERSE and the Eems-Dollard estuary’: 9:30 – 10:30
  • Breakout session I: ‘What works in sustainable sediment management strategies?’: 11:00 – 13:00
  • Breakout session II: ‘Estuary Governance Structures and Processes’: 14:00 – 16:00

This is the second in a series of region-wide events organized by the IMMERSE project. Information and outcomes from the 1st TEEL, held in June 2019, are available here.

Contact Clare Waldmann (


Flemish Sediment Management Concept 2022-2027

The draft of the (first) “Flemish Sediment Management Concept 2022-2027” is available at for public consultation until the 14th of March 2021. It is a “background document” to (the draft of) the Flemish River Basin Management Plan 2022-2027. Part of the text of the Sediment Management Concept is integrated in the River Basin Management Plan.

The document is in Dutch, with a summary in English. The English summary can be found as “chapter 0” on pages 13 till 19. For those who wish to read the whole document in English we advise to use Google translate. Remarks or suggestions for improvement are welcome and can be mailed to: Edward Van Keer (

After the public consultation the draft will be revised based on the remarks MOW will receive. The River Basin Management Plan (and background documents) should be approved by the end of 2021.


Upcoming events

24 November 2020: IMMERSE Transnational Estuary Exchange Lab on the topic of sediment management in estuaries and estuary governance structures and processes. Online event. Click here for more info.

26 November 2020: Online International symposium The Future of Sand.
Organised by KNGMG, De Lichtkogel and Rijkswaterstaat (NL).
See the programme.
Register before 20 November at lichtkogel@rws

25-28 January 2021: Battelle’s 11th International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Call for Abstracts

10-11 February 2021: Addressing Climate Change Challenges with Sediment Management – Joint SedNet-NaCC Workshop
Deadline for abstracts was 31 October 2020

9-12 June 2021: ContaSed2020, University of Bern, Switzerland.
2nd International Conference on Contaminated Sediments. ContaSed2020 will focus on organic and inorganic sediment contaminant classes including microplastics, emerging contaminants, heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants.
Deadline for abstract submission is 26 January 2021.
More info at the conference website

14-18 June 2021: AquaConSoil – International Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources. Digital event. See LinkedIn and Twitter pages for updates.

21-25 June 2021: A series of webinars organised by I.S.Rivers – Integrative Sciences & sustainable development of Rivers conference. See

29 June – 3 July 2021: 12th International SedNet Conference, Lille, France
“Sediment Challenges and Opportunities with Climate Change, and Sustainable Development Goals”
Deadline for abstracts: 1 December 2020
Conference webpage:

29 June – 3 July 2021: 7th International Symposium on Sediment Management (I2SM), Lille, France.
The symposium is organised by IMT Lille Douai, parallel to the SedNet conference.
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 January 2021.
Further info about the symposium (incl. the template for abstracts) can be found on

14-15 September 2021: 11th Rostocker Baggergutseminars (in German)
See website seminar.


Disseminated by SedNet secretariat  – email