New deadline for papers for a Special Issue of JSS

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Authors of abstracts that have been selected for oral or poster presentation at the 12th International SedNet Conference, held online from 28 June – 2 July 2021, are invited to submit an extended paper for a Special Issue of the Journal of Soils and Sediments  Sediment Challenges and Opportunities due to Climate Change and Sustainable Development”. This Special Issue is anticipated to be published in 2022.

Each author can submit one manuscript for publication. Please note that no more than one manuscript per participant will be considered.

Manuscripts should be prepared in the strict format of the Journal of Soils and Sediments. Recommended number of pages is 6 to 8. The instructions for authors can be found at:

Authors can submit manuscripts and should select “SI: Sediment challenges and opportunities” as the article type when they submit their manuscript through the on-line Editorial Management system.

New deadline:
Manuscripts should be submitted by 20 November 2021.