Flemish Sediment Management Concept

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The draft of the (first) “Flemish Sediment Management Concept 2022-2027” is now available for public consultation until the 14th of March 2021. It is a “background document” to (the draft of) the Flemish River Basin Management Plan 2022-2027. Part of the text of the Sediment Management Concept is integrated in the River Basin Management Plan.

The document is in Dutch, with a summary in English. The English summary can be found as “chapter 0” on pages 13 till 19. For those who wish to read the whole document in English we advise to use Google translate. Remarks or suggestions for improvement are welcome and can be mailed to: Edward Van Keer – edward.vankeer@mow.vlaanderen.be

After the public consultation the draft will be revised based on the remarks MOW will have received. The River Basin Management Plan (and background documents) should be approved by the end of 2021.