Soil and land use research in Europe: Lessons learned from INSPIRATION

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A peer reviewed paper on the outcome of the INSPIRATION project has been published in the journal Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN).
INSPIRATION’s aim was to set a strategic research agenda on soil, land-use and land management in Europe. The project has received funding from European Union’s H2020 research program. It ended in December 2017.

• The paper presents and offers critique of a bottom-up research agenda on soil and land use.
• The paper links soil-sediment-water system use and knowledge demands with research needs.
• Research agenda setting was an iterative process involving more than 500 experts.
• Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the approach are identified.
• Key recommendations include preparation of implementation network early on.

The link to the article is freely accessible until 1st February:

More info INSPIRATION see