Special session at Battelle

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Deltares intends to organize a Special Session at the Battelle Sediments Conference next January 2017. It would be a great opportunity to promote the work we do in SedNet! Please see the call for abstracts below.
We would like to invite you to submit an abstract (due date June 30th, 2016) on the theme of “International Models/Best Practice for Sediment Management” (temporary session code 5a). This session has the ambitious objective to exchange experience, best practice and challenges on remediation of contaminated sites from the different regions of the world. We welcome talks on cross-boundary sites; cross-boundaries water bodies; comparative experience in different countries / regions particularly those less represented at the Battelle conference/from outside the USA. We will strive to compose a session that represents different geographies and experiences in order to learn from each other.
For Abstract Specifications etc. see the conference website.
Please enter the name of Luca Sittoni on the submittal form in the “Submission Requested By” box, to ensure that your abstracts will be considered for this session first. If you want to chat about a particular topic in advance of submitting an abstract, please contact Luca (luca.sittoni@deltares.nl) or Katherine (Katherine.cronin@deltares.nl) from Deltares.