SedNet Conference 2023: preliminary program & registration

We are pleased to share with you the preliminary conference program for the upcoming SedNet Conference 2023. We have put together a diverse and engaging program that covers a wide range of topics related to sediment management. We believe this conference will provide valuable insights and foster fruitful discussions among experts in the field. 

Please visit the event page of the SedNet Conference 2023 to start your registration and download the preliminary conference program.

We eagerly anticipate your presence at the conference and look forward to sharing knowledge, insights, and networking opportunities with you and other distinguished professionals in the field.

The conference will be held from 6th to 8th September at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal.

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Netwerken na 15 jaar nog altijd springlevend!

This is a message for the Dutch-speaking people in our network

In 2008 in de 1e Deltaresponse – het medewerkersmagazine van Deltares – stond een artikel over de bodem- en sedimentnetwerken waar de Deltares unit Bodem- en Grondwatersystemen op dat moment actief in was: Platform Bodembeheer, Nicole en SedNet. 

In een artikel in de 50e Deltaresponse (jaargang 16, februari 2023) wordt beschreven dat deze drie netwerken nog steeds springlevend zijn! 

Klik op deze link voor een integrale weergave van dat artikel.

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Netwerken na 15 jaar nog altijd springlevend! News

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13th International SedNet Conference: Final Call for Abstracts

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is extended until the 6th of March 2023

From the 6th until the 8th of September 2023 the SedNet conference will take place in Lisbon, Portugal.

At the conference we invite abstracts for a series of sessions aiming to explore different challenges and proposed solutions related to this theme. Among other topics, we explicitly welcome case studies from practice that preferably engaged stakeholders and that included how policies and plans were developed for the range of interlinked issues experienced along the continuous journey of sediment from upland to the depositions sites. This includes how to quantify and manage sediment movement, how to assess sediment quality, sediment health and ecosystem service provision, how excess sediment can be re-used, etc.

Special attention will also be given to challenges posed by anthropogenic influences, resource exploitation and climate change, and how we can truly apply an integrated management approach that enables the sediment continuum.

The proposed thematic sessions are:

1. Sediment quality guidance and sediment quality assessment

2. Circular economy – sediment as a resource

3. Sediment in coastal and marine management

4. Climate change and sediment pledge (joint session with PIANC navigating a changing climate)

5. Sediment management concepts and sediment policy

6. Climate change and sediments: direct and indirect consequences and opportunities

7. Sediments health: what is it and how to achieve it?

8. Zero pollution in the soil-sediment-water nexus

9. Sediment literacy

Please find below the document for the first announcement of the conference and the Final Call for Abstracts. Here you will also find the template for submission of abstracts.

For questions please contact the SedNet Secretariat.

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Closing Event Interreg NWE project Suricates Sediment Uses as Resources In Circular And Territorial EconomieS

Dear WGCE members,Herewith we would like to inform you about the closing event of the Interrreg NWE project Suricates. This project is about sediment management, circular economy and climate change adaptation.The Suricates Project Partners will present the results of their activities since project commencement in 2018. You are welcome to take part in the closing event which takes place at the Polytech-University of Lille (FR) on 15 December 2022. They offer both on-site and online access to our Closing Event, but registration is mandatory using this Framadate survey. There will be a limited number of 80 people able to attend on-site and of 80 people online. Send your individual confirmation by 12 December 2022.Please click the buttons below to find more information about the event and the program.

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Closing Event Interreg NWE project Suricates Sediment Uses as Resources In Circular And Territorial EconomieS News

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PIANC Blue Carbon webinar on 30 November

One year ago, at the COP26 international climate meetings, Navigating a Changing Climate (in which PIANC is a partner) and SedNet, launched their COP26 Sediment Management Pledge. The Pledge recognises climate change as an existential threat and sets out how sediment managers can contribute to both decarbonisation and strengthened climate-resilience. The Pledge recognises climate change as an existential threat and sets out how sediment managers can contribute to both decarbonisation and strengthened climate-resilience.

PIANC organizes a webinar as part of a series of events being organised to mark one-year since the launch of the COP26 Pledge. During this webinar the development of a Blue Carbon Market in Australia will be examined to highlight the opportunities it offers for waterborne transport infrastructure.

Click on the link below to read more about the webinar and to register for the webinar:


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Article “Sediment challenges and opportunities due to climate change and sustainable development” published in JSS

We are pleased to inform you that our article “Sediment challenges and opportunities due to climate change and sustainable development” has been published online in Journal of Soils and Sediments (JSS).

 Please click on this link to read the article:

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international symposium on bedload management in Switzerland

Carlos R. Wyss, Switzerland

Last year, an international symposium on bedload management was held in Switzerland.
The objective was to create and review knowledge and praxis in bedload
management to support the implementation of restoration measures.

The proceedings might be of interest ->


Wyss C.R., De Cesare G., Lane S.N., Marti C., Nitsche M., Pauli M., Schweizer S., Weitbrecht V. (Editors), 2021. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Bedload Management. 2021, 8-10 November 2021, Interlaken, Switzerland. Wasser-Agenda 21. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000513098.

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Publication of the CIS document “Integrated sediment management – Guidelines and good practices in the context of the Water...

The CIS document “Integrated sediment management – Guidelines and good practices in the context of the Water Framework Directive” has been published on the European Commission’s website.

This document aims to contribute to improving the understanding of the role of sediment in the context of the WFD and helps foster concrete actions to improve the state of sediment in the EU.

The publication is available under ‘List of other CIS thematic documents available on CIRCABC’ or can be accessed through the link below: 

Meuse river - photo from Jos Brils

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Publication of the CIS document “Integrated sediment management – Guidelines and good practices in the context of the Water Framework Directive” News

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SedNet member of the Enlarged Soil Expert Group

GREAT NEWS, SedNet is selected to become member of the Enlarged Soil Expert Group on the implementation of the EU Soil Strategy for 2030.

Thus, great opportunities  for SedNet to raise appropriate links to/with sediment management in EU soil policy development.

The first meeting of the Enlarged Soil Expert Group is scheduled in Brussels on 4 October 2022. To see further please click here.



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SIMONA Project

A Small Step for SIMONA, a Big Leap for the Danube Basin Harmonised Sediment Quality Monitoring: Standard Sediment Sampling Kit Delivery Started

SIMONA: EU Interreg Danube Transnational Programme Project: Sediment-quality Information, Monitoring and Assessment System to Support Transnational Cooperation for Joint Danube Basin Water Management 

The delivery of the SIMONA Standard Sediment Quality Sampling Kit to each of the 12 Danube Countries (government agencies responsible for sediment quality monitoring under the Water Framework Directive) started last week. The first kit was delivered to the General Directorate of Water Management (OVF), Budapest, Hungary.



The main conclusions of SIMONA published in the latest issue of DanubeWatch magazineDanubeWatch is the official magazine of ICPDR – International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (See P.9). Including: significant gaps exist in the sediment quality sampling, laboratory and evaluation procedures in the Danube Basin; sediments are highly site-specific requiring site-specific monitoring approach; long-term regular sediment quality monitoring at selected key sites is essential; introduction of inter-laboratory trials and regular training on sampling and analysis is an immediate need.

Find out more!
– Project Website
– Project Video

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