In Memoriam – Wim Salomons

In Memoriam Wim Salomons

It is with great sadness that we became aware that Prof. Dr. Wim Salomons passed away on Thursday the 3rd of February 2022:

In memoriam for Wim Salomons, an online memorial was created to collect all our memories of Wim in a single place.

Wim was of extraordinary importance for SedNet. He was one of its founding pillars.

Wim was the coordinator of the workshop in Geesthacht in the year 2000 where the idea for SedNet was born (see our last e-newsletter).

Furthermore, Wim was the 1st author of the SedNet booklet “Contaminated Sediments in European River Basins” which provides an excellent summary of the findings of the first 3 years (2002-2004) of SedNet. Conclusions in that booklet are still very valid to day and thus inspired the WFD CIS sediment document which is about to be launched (see our last e-newsletter).

Thank you very, very much Wim for what you have done for SedNet! We will never forget that.

SedNet would not have been what it is today without your crucial support in kick-starting it!

We assure you that your legacy will remain vivid in our network.

Dear Wim rest in peace!

SedNet Steering Group

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SedNet 20-year Anniversary!

SedNet officially started as a European Commission funded project in the year 2002.

Later this year we intend to mark our 20-years anniversary with something special, which we will keep as a surprise.


Venice, San Servolo island: the home base of SedNet in 2002-2004
And this is how it all started:

In April 2000 the GKSS Research Centre and the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg organized a workshop in Geesthacht in Germany on scientific aspects of evaluating and implementing bioassays into decision-making frameworks for dredged material management. As a spin-off from the workshop the idea was born to initiate the European Sediment Network SedNet. It was planned to be driven by stakeholder (port authorities, river quality managers) demands and to focus on the dissemination of knowledge, reviewing research needs (problem catalogue) as well as on applied research solving actual problems. 

In 2000 the European Commission launched a call for projects under their 5th Framework Program for research, technological development and demonstration. Proposals for establishing Thematic Networks were welcomed on the topic “Abatement of water pollution from contaminated land, landfills and sediments”. The proposal entitled “Demand driven, European sediment research network (acronym: SedNet)” addressed this topic and was evaluated positive and granted. The evaluation summary report on the SedNet proposal stated: “The proposal is innovative in that it focusses on sediments relevant on water quality and that it will treat the topic on a transboundary catchment scale. A strong point is that a common platform is suggested for problem owners, problem solvers and regulators. The project is clearly of European relevance (regarding community added value and contribution to EU policies). The project should be beneficial to the quality of life by enhancing water quality and minimizing environmental pollution. The project’s outcomes will contribute to EU technological progress by dissemination of optimal solutions to environmental issues. There are possibilities of co-ordination and complementary activities with other European networks, but this network should be kept as separate entity.”

The 3-year, European Commission funded SedNet project (EVK1-CT-2001-20002) started 1st of January 2002 and it had the following project summary: “Sediments mainly got local attention of water managers confronted with manmade sediment-traps, especially when associated contamination poses an environmental or human risk. More and more managers, port authorities and researchers express the need to exchange, at least at river basin level, these local experiences and to develop sediment management guidelines based on a multidisciplinary, coordinated and harmonized approach. Thus, opposing to the scattered responsibilities for sediment management and to the scattered development of knowledge. Due to the trans-boundary nature, no single water manager or country has the responsibility for solving sediment management problems at river basin level. SedNet will provide an international platform to facilitate information and knowledge exchange and to produce a joint document, containing recommendations and guidelines for integrated, sustainable management of sediment, from local to river basin level.” 

Between 2002 and 2004 more than 130 members subscribed to the network, simply by expressing their interest to the SedNet project coordinator to engage with SedNet. In that same period scientific, policy and management aspects of contaminated sediments and dredged material were addressed in 17 workshops and 3 conferences. Europe’s leading scientists and major sediment managers contributed to these activities.

The results were summarized in the SedNet booklet “Contaminated sediments in European River Basins”. The comprehensive results were published by Elsevier in four volumes in the book series “Sustainable Management of Sediment Resources”. 

SedNet continued after 2004 as fully independent and self-supporting network aimed at incorporating sediment issues and knowledge into European strategies to support the achievement of a good environmental status and to develop new tools for sediment management. 

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SedNet Secretariat

Per January 2022 the SedNet Secretariat will be run by Mrs Nan Su of DSBP in Rotterdam, NL.

Nan Su can be contacted for SedNet via 

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COP26 Climate Change and Sediment Management Pledge

Climate change is an existential threat.  In the lead up to COP26, commitment to tackling the climate and ecological emergencies has never been greater. There is a need for urgent action, across all sectors, to decarbonise – while at the same time strengthening resilience and adapting to the changing climate.

Sediment managers – scientists and researchers, water managers, port and waterway operators, flood protection managers and similar, as well as those in the dredging and construction sector – all have an important role to play.

Sediments are an integral part of aquatic systems, the building block for natural habitats and an inherent component of many ecosystem services.  Sediments and their associated aquatic habitats – blue carbon stocks – also play a vital role in sequestering and storing carbon.

An outcome of the virtual workshop ‘Sediment management opportunities to address the climate change challenge’ hosted by Navigating a Changing Climate and SedNet is an ambitious but realistic – and very necessary – COP26 Sediment Management and Climate Change Pledge.

SedNet and the NavClimate partners ask organisations that recognise the importance of these issues and the need to work with these critical, inter-related natural processes, to endorse the pledge, and to work with us to identify and deliver solutions that benefit not only climate and nature, but also society and economy.

Many organisations are already (in the process of) endorsing this pledge. If your organisation is committed too and wish to have their logo added to the COP26 Pledge, please contact the SedNet Secretariat, confirming your endorsement of the Pledge and providing:

  • Your organisation’s name and logo
  • The name and position of the person making this pledge
  • Your contact details if different from the above 

The COP26 Pledge has been launched on 8 November 2021 during COP26. See the Press Release.

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New deadline for papers for a Special Issue of JSS

Authors of abstracts that have been selected for oral or poster presentation at the 12th International SedNet Conference, held online from 28 June – 2 July 2021, are invited to submit an extended paper for a Special Issue of the Journal of Soils and Sediments  Sediment Challenges and Opportunities due to Climate Change and Sustainable Development”. This Special Issue is anticipated to be published in 2022.

Each author can submit one manuscript for publication. Please note that no more than one manuscript per participant will be considered.

Manuscripts should be prepared in the strict format of the Journal of Soils and Sediments. Recommended number of pages is 6 to 8. The instructions for authors can be found at:

Authors can submit manuscripts and should select “SI: Sediment challenges and opportunities” as the article type when they submit their manuscript through the on-line Editorial Management system.

New deadline:
Manuscripts should be submitted by 20 November 2021.

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Presentations 12th SedNet conference

12th International SedNet conference (online), from 28 June -2 July 2021
Sediment Challenges and Opportunities due to Climate Change and Sustainable Development
in partnership with BRGM and the Hauts-de-France Region

Simultaneous event with I2SM 7th International Symposium on Sediment Management

Presentations and abstracts of presentations are now available on the conference webpages.

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Call for reviewers for the Special Issue of JSS

It is anticipated that in 2022 a Special Issue of the Journal of Soils and Sediments will be published on the SedNet conference theme of 2021 Sediment Challenges and Opportunities due to Climate Change and Sustainable Development”.

SedNet needs reviewers for papers (to be) submitted for this Special Issue.

If you are interested in reviewing papers, please contact the SedNet Secretariat and/or Dr. Jasmina Obhodas, and indicate your expertise to us: 

  • Sediment management and assessment – concepts and policies
  • Climate change and sediments
  • Emerging substances / PFAS / Microplastics
  • Impacts of disturbed sediment continua and mitigation measures
  • (Re)Using sediment to create, keep or restore habitats
  • Circular economy
  • Sediments in coastal-marine management and EU strategies
  • Other (please specify)



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Call for papers for a Special Issue of JSS

Authors of abstracts that have been selected for oral or poster presentation at the 12th International SedNet Conference, to be held online from 28 June – 2 July 2021, are invited to submit an extended paper for a Special Issue of the Journal of Soils and Sediments  Sediment Challenges and Opportunities due to Climate Change and Sustainable Development”. This Special Issue is anticipated to be published in 2022.

Each author can submit one manuscript for publication. Please note that no more than one manuscript per participant will be considered.

Manuscripts should be prepared in the strict format of the Journal of Soils and Sediments. Recommended number of pages is 6 to 8. The instructions for authors can be found at:

Authors can submit manuscripts and should select “SI: Sediment challenges and opportunities” as the article type when they submit their manuscript through the on-line Editorial Management system.

New deadline:
Manuscripts should be submitted by 1 November 2021.

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Workshop NavClimate-SedNet 10-11 Feb 2021

The presentations given during the online workshop Sediment management opportunities to address the climate change challenge, organised by the Navigating a Changing Climate partners with the collaboration of SedNet, are now online:
Programme with pdfs of Presentations and Abstracts 

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Workshop NavClimate-SedNet 10-11 Feb 2021

Online workshop Sediment management opportunities to address the climate change challenge.
The workshop is organised by the Navigating a Changing Climate partners with the collaboration of SedNet.
The workshop will comprise two consecutive half-day sessions.  Its aim is to facilitate knowledge exchange, disseminate good practice, highlight opportunities, and identify gaps in understanding or research needs in relation to the four topics mentioned below, with an emphasis on ports, waterways, dredging and associated infrastructure/ activities.
It promises to be an inspiring workshop for sediment practitioners (policy and management) as well as scientists. Invited key-note speakers and selected abstracts will address in the following (non-parallel) sessions – with room for Q&A – these four topics:

1. Role of sediment management in carbon sequestration and storage: opportunities to contribute to a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions;

2. Sediments and climate change adaptation: seeking flexible and adaptive solutions to strengthen resilience and adapt port and navigation infrastructure and operations;

3. Habitat enhancement and creation, Working-with-Nature and other nature-based solutions;

4. Sediment management, circular economy and the waste hierarchy: reduce, reuse, recycle.

The four workshop sessions conclude with a panel discussion and an interactive session with the audience to determine:

– Key climate change-related challenges for sediment managers;

– Key opportunities for sediment management to contribute to addressing the climate change challenge;

– Key topics for further research and development.

For more detailed information on this workshop see the Programme. 

To register for participation please email the SedNet Secretariat before 6 February.

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