Workshop NavClimate-SedNet 10-11 Feb 2021

The presentations given during the online workshop Sediment management opportunities to address the climate change challenge, organised by the Navigating a Changing Climate partners with the collaboration of SedNet, are now online:
Programme with pdfs of Presentations and Abstracts 

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Workshop NavClimate-SedNet 10-11 Feb 2021

Online workshop Sediment management opportunities to address the climate change challenge.
The workshop is organised by the Navigating a Changing Climate partners with the collaboration of SedNet.
The workshop will comprise two consecutive half-day sessions.  Its aim is to facilitate knowledge exchange, disseminate good practice, highlight opportunities, and identify gaps in understanding or research needs in relation to the four topics mentioned below, with an emphasis on ports, waterways, dredging and associated infrastructure/ activities.
It promises to be an inspiring workshop for sediment practitioners (policy and management) as well as scientists. Invited key-note speakers and selected abstracts will address in the following (non-parallel) sessions – with room for Q&A – these four topics:

1. Role of sediment management in carbon sequestration and storage: opportunities to contribute to a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions;

2. Sediments and climate change adaptation: seeking flexible and adaptive solutions to strengthen resilience and adapt port and navigation infrastructure and operations;

3. Habitat enhancement and creation, Working-with-Nature and other nature-based solutions;

4. Sediment management, circular economy and the waste hierarchy: reduce, reuse, recycle.

The four workshop sessions conclude with a panel discussion and an interactive session with the audience to determine:

– Key climate change-related challenges for sediment managers;

– Key opportunities for sediment management to contribute to addressing the climate change challenge;

– Key topics for further research and development.

For more detailed information on this workshop see the Programme. 

To register for participation please email the SedNet Secretariat before 6 February.

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Workshop “Sediment management opportunities to address the climate change challenge”

Please save Wednesday 10 February 2021 afternoon and Thursday 11 February 2021 morning in your 2021-diary for the on-line workshop “Sediment management opportunities to address the climate change challenge”.

This workshop is organised by Navigating a Changing Climate (NavClimate) and SedNet.
NavClimate is a PIANC-led Global Climate Action initiative under the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) ‘non-state actor’ process, set up to promote the sharing of knowledge on how ports and waterborne transport infrastructure can reduce emissions and adapt to climate change.

See for further information here.

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Green airports and ports as hubs for sustainable and smart mobility

The SedNet workgroup Sediments in Circular Economy (WGCE) is interested to work with partners on the EU HORIZON2020 Green airports and ports as hubs for sustainable and smart mobility call, focusing on the sediment related topics.

In short, the expertise of WGCE is with anything sediment related. From dredging and sediments as part of a ports asset management to innovative solution with sediment, reducing the Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by alternative dredging technologies, finding local solutions for sediment applications with or without strengthening of the sediment. If you wish to get in contact with us, please mail the SedNet WGCE chair Bruno Lemière or co-chair Arjan Wijdeveld or contact one of the members who are interested in this call directly:

    • Port of Rotterdam
      • (
      • End user
    • Deltares
      • (
      • Knowledge institute
    • BRGM
      • (
      • Knowledge institute
    • Ixsane
      • (
      • SME
    • Van Oord
      • (
      • Dredger
    • SEA Environmental Decisions Ltd. (Sabina Apitz)
      • (
      • Consultant


For details about the Call click here.

For details about the work of the SedNet working group Sediments in Circular Economy click here.



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12th International SedNet Conference

The deadline for submitting abstracts for the 12th SedNet conference “Sediment Challenges and Opportunities due to Climate Change and Sustainable Development” (29 June – 2 July 2021) has been extended to 4 January 2021.
Please see the conference webpage for the full text of the Call for Abstracts and the template for submission of abstracts

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PIANC Survey on implementation of Sediment Beneficial Use

The EnviComWorking Group 214 (WG214, Sediment Beneficial Use) of PIANC has prepared a survey on how Sediment Beneficial Use is implemented globally, which you can find using the following link:  PIANC WG 214 Sediment Beneficial Use Survey. This survey and working group are in large part a follow-up of the recent CEDA Working Group on Beneficial Use of Sediments and it is closely related to the SedNet working group on Sediment and Circular Economy.

We wish to ask all SedNet members with interest or association to Beneficial Sediment Use to complete this survey by November 15.

The survey should not take more than 20 minutes of your time. Our hope is to compile results of the survey and to include those results in the guidance document we are preparing on Sediment Beneficial Use. Results will be published without individual attribution to protect everyone’s privacy. Please take a moment to complete this on-line survey at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your time and interest in this subject.

Contact: Luca Sittoni and Victor Magar, Co-Chairs PIANC EnviCom WG214

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Flemish Sediment Management Concept

The draft of the (first) “Flemish Sediment Management Concept 2022-2027” is now available for public consultation until the 14th of March 2021. It is a “background document” to (the draft of) the Flemish River Basin Management Plan 2022-2027. Part of the text of the Sediment Management Concept is integrated in the River Basin Management Plan.

The document is in Dutch, with a summary in English. The English summary can be found as “chapter 0” on pages 13 till 19. For those who wish to read the whole document in English we advise to use Google translate. Remarks or suggestions for improvement are welcome and can be mailed to: Edward Van Keer –

After the public consultation the draft will be revised based on the remarks MOW will have received. The River Basin Management Plan (and background documents) should be approved by the end of 2021.

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SedNet eNews October 2020

Click here for the October 2020 edition of the SedNet eNewsletter.

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SedNet Call for Abstracts Lille 2021

The 12th International SedNet Conference will take place from 29 June – 3 July 2021, in Lille, France. Title: “Sediment Challenges and Opportunities due to Climate Change and Sustainable Development”

A Call for Abstracts is open until 1 December 2020. See the conference webpage for further info.

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Call for presentations SedNet – NaCC workshop

On 10-11 February 2021 a  workshop on Sediment management opportunities to address the climate change challenge will be held, hosted by ISPRA in Rome.
The workshop is organised by the Navigating a Changing Climate partners with the collaboration of SedNet. The event will cover topics such as nature-based solutions, Working with Nature and natural resilience; beneficial use of dredged material in the application of the waste hierarchy; habitat enhancement for improved ecosystem services; and carbon sequestration and management. Speakers will comprise a mix of invited experts and a call for presentations, the latter is now open for submissions – deadline 31 October 2020. Please use this format for abstracts.

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