Poster Award The best poster was awarded with a prize sponsored by the Journal of Soils and Sediments. The winning poster was “River Sediment Sampling and Sediment Environmental Quality Standards” presented by Ngozi Mokwe-Ozonzeadi of the University of Westminister / Natural History Museum, UK.  |
1. Biodiversity / Risk Assessment |
• | Impacts of drought and flooding on the biological activities in sediments Simonetta Rubol et al, Università Degli Studi di Trento. Italy |
• | Use of sand in environmental requalification in Venice lagoon Giovanni Cecconi, Consorzio Venezia Nuova, c/o Thetis SPA, Italy |
• | First insights into the bacterial communities in contaminated sediments of the Deûle River (Northern France) Stéphanie Roosa, University of Mons, Belgium |
• | The activity of sediment bacteria in a temporary river in relation to the hydrological status and to the persistence of organic pollutants Alberto Puddu, IRSA-CNR, Italy |
• | Different approaches for evaluating benthos quality in Lake Maggiore Elisa Bizzotto, ENVIRON, Italy |
• | Spatiotemporal variability of microphytobenthos in the coastal lagoon of Cabras (Sardinia, Italy) Francesca Di Pippo, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy |
• | Differences in resilience of benthic habitats to dredge disposal Gert van Hoey, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Belgium |
• | Translocation and re-use of dredged sediment: bioavailability and toxicity evaluation using the brittlestar Amphipholis squamata Elisa Volpato, Thetis SPA, Italy |
• | A multiple biomarker approach to assess the toxicity of re-suspended sediments during simulated flood events – a feasibility study S. Hudjetz, Institute for Environmental Research, Germany |
• | Risk Assessment Using Sediment Suspensions With Aquatic Toxicity Test Hülya Böke Özkoç, University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Turkey |
• | Sensitivity comparison of different sediment bioassays – Case study Antwerp harbor, Belgium Ivana Planojevic, University of Antwerp, Belgium |
• | Development of a ‘weight-of-evidence’ model for assessing sediment quality and associated hazards Francesco Regoli, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy |
• | Sustainable Management of Contaminated Sediments, SMOCS Göran Holm, Swedish Geotechnical Institute, Sweden |
• | Trace element regressions in coastal sediments from the Tuscany Region (Italy) Nicola Bigongiari, Centro Interuniversitario di Biologia marina ed Ecologia Applicata, Italy |
• | Sediment Toxicity Tests on Aquatic Biota Hülya Böke Özkoç, University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Turkey |
• | Integrated approach for chemical and ecotoxicological evaluation of environmental quality in sediments from the Mar Piccolo of Taranto Santina Giandomenico, Institute for coastal marine environment, Italy |
2. Policy and Management (incl. RBM and coastal zone management) |
• | Waste, Resource or Liability? Alternative Decision Criteria to Support More Sustainable Sediment Management Sabine E. Aptitz, SEA Environmental Decisions, UK |
• | AMORAS – Antwerp mechanical dewatering, recycling and application of sediments Joris Dockx, Flemish Government, Department Mobility and Public Works, Maritime Access, Belgium |
• | Sediment Management Plan in Port of Taranto Francesca Giaime, ISPRA, Italy |
• | Binder Stabilization of Sediments for Reclamation of a Surface Impoundment Vito Schifano, ARCADIS US Inc, USA |
• | Quantification and Monitoring of Water and Contaminant Migration to Sediment via Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction Bart Chadwick, Coastal Monitoring Associates, USA |
• | Use of carbon-amended composite particles to accomplish in-situ treatment of contaminated sediments Joseph Jersak, Biologge AS, Norway |
• | A regional approach: The Slufter and the river Rhine Basin Arie Noordwijk, Port of Rotterdam Authority, The Netherlands |
• | The dredging of the Oil Port of Genoa Multedo (Italy): the on-site monitoring solutions Marco Capello, University of Genoa, Italy |
• | Treatment of contaminated dredged sediment by using a membrane bioreactor Jan Svojitka, School of Life Sciences, Institute for Ecopreneurship, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland |
• | The sediments management guidelines for the lagoon of Venice: a “stakeholder” point of view on 17 years of discussions Laura Montobbio, Consorzio Venezia Nuova, Italy |
• | The TIDE-Project –Sustainable Tidal River Development in North Sea Region Estuaries Kay Hamer, Department of Geosciences-University of Bremen, Germany |
• | Metallic and organic pollutant (lead and PCB) historical trends as recorded by Rhone river sediments Gwennaelle Roux, Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Environnement – Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat, France |
• | River Sediment Sampling and Analysis for Selected Heavy Metals; establishing a practical protocol Ngozi Mokwe-Ozonzeadi, University of Westminster, UK |
• | Sustainable Approaches to the Assessment, Risk and Remediation of Urban Watershed Waterways Utilizing SSWiM Strategies Eric A. Stern, Environmental Resource Management (ERM), USA |
3. Monitoring / Modelling |
• | As-related bacterial activities in marine sediments Fabienne Battaglia-Brunet, BRGM, France |
• | Historical accumulation of mercury from mining and industrial activities (Marano & Grado Lagoon, northern Adriatic sea) Stefano Covelli, Department of Geosciences, University of Trieste, Italy |
• | Methyl mercury in sediments and its cycling in the Lagoon of Venice: a synthesis of multi-compartment study Stéphane Guédron, University of Geneva, Switzerland |
• | Total and Methyl mercury bioavailability in the lagoon of Venice: accumulation kinetics in Chironomus salinarius Frédéric Gimbert, Université de Franche-Comté, France |
• | Heavy metals accumulation areas in the Venice Lagoon sediments Margherita Botter, Institute of Marine Sciences, Italy |
• | PCB fluxes from the sediment to the water column following resuspension – A column experiment Philippe Bataillard, BRGM, France |
• | Monitoring the downstream effects of dredging in a small lowland river polluted with heavy metals Dieter Meire, Ghent University, Belgium |
• | Water-soluble ionic species in river-bottom sediments of the Pangani Basin, Tanzania Harieth Hellar-Kihampa, University of Antwerp, Belgium |
• | Ecotoxicity evaluation of dredged sediments application on agricultural and with contact soil bioassays Jana Vašíková, Masaryk University, Czech Republic |
• | Inhibitory effect of sediment pollution on Baltic amphipod Monoporeia affinis Evita Strode, University of Latvia, Latvia |
• | Sulfonamide residues in coastal marine sediments Grzegorz Siedlewicz, Institute of Oceanology, Poland |
• | Anionic surfactant linear alkylbenzene sulphonates (LAS) in sediments from the southern Baltic Sea and its environmental implications Ksenia Pazdro, Institute of Oceanology, Poland |
• | Ecotoxicological evaluation of sediments: establishment of recommendations in Switzerland Rebecca Fluck, Swiss Centre for applied ecotoxicology Eawag/EPFL, Switzerland |
• | Investigations on the gas permeability of geo synthetics Dirk Lesemann, Knabe Enders Dührkop Ingenieure GmbH, Germany |
• | Trace elements in sediments and floodplain soils of the Wieprz river, Poland Izabela Bojakowska, Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Poland |
• | Long-term migration of heavy metals in the small catchment affected by historical lead and zinc mining Dariusz Ciszewski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland |
• | A model for calculation of sediment capping of polluted sediments Henrik Rye, SINTEF, Marine Environmental Technology, Norway |
• | ADCP and CTD evaluations of the nepheloid-layer pathway for a mathematical dredging of relict sand for beach nourishment (Tuscany, Italy) Marco Capello, CONISMA, Italy |
• | Deposition and erosion properties of fine sediments from an area of saltpans in the Ria de Aveiro lagoon Luis Portela, National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, Portugal |
• | Pharmaceuticals in the Ebor river basin: Occurrence and distribution between aqueous and solid phase Barcelo Damia, Department of Environmental Chemistry, IDAEA-CSIC, Spain |
• | Sediment monitoring of PAHs for the European Water Framework Directive: the case of the Marano and Grado Lagoon (Italy) Alessandro Acquavita, ARPA-FVG, Osservatorio Alto Adriatico, Italy |
• | Efflux of Metals from Contaminated Marine Sediments due to Bacterial Remineralisation of Phytodetritus David Gillan, Mons University (UMons), Belgium |
• | Distribution and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Sediments from the mid-Black Sea coast of Turkey Sema Ariman, Samsun Province Private Administration, Turkey |
• | Trace elements and application of the environmental quality standards (WFD) in the Marano-Grado Lagoon (North Adriatic Sea, Italy) Alessandro Acquavita, ARPA-FVG, Osservatorio Alto Adriatico, Italy |
• | Chemical quality of river sediments in France – summary of available databases Pierre Hennebert, INERIS – Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques, France |
• | MACISTE-PS: an information system to manage environmental data from the dredging of the Port of Genoa (Italy) Francesco Massa, University of Genoa, Italy |
• | Geochronological Dating of Sediments from Pallanza Bay Karen Merritt, ENVIRON U.S., Maine, USA |
• | Pathogenic Vibrio spp. in coastal sediments Nicole Brennholt, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany |
• | Screening of metal content in Begej (Serbia) river basin Dejan Krcmar, University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences, Serbia |
• | The GeDSeT Project: How to assess the impact of a dredging operation? Claire Alary, EMDouai, Lille, France |
• | Characterizing Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in a Port Facility Craig Jones, Sea Engineering, Santa Cruz, USA |