6 November |
Opening |
• | Opening and welcome by Marc Eisma, Port of Rotterdam Authority / Chairman SedNet |
Sediment management: a Portuguese perspective Chairman: Marc Eisma, Port of Rotterdam Authority / Chairman SedNet |
• | Sediment management in the context of water policies António Gonçalves-Henriques, LNEC, Portugal | Abstract Movie |
• | Sediment research in estuaries and the coastal zone Luís Portela, LNEC, Portugal | Abstract Movie Animation |
• | Dredging and sediment management in the Port of Lisbon Paula Sengo, Port of Lisbon Authority, Portugal | Abstract |
Sediments and ecosystems (and their services) Chairman: Jos Brils, Deltares, the Netherlands |
• | Salt marshes retention capacity for carbon and nitrogen at Ria de Aveiro lagoon (Portugal) Ana Sousa, University of Aveiro, Portugal | Abstract |
• | Side structures along the Elbe river Susanne Heise, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Abstract |
• | Sustainable sediment management in a “rigid” river basin, a port’s perspective Eric de Deckere, Port of Antwerp, Belgium | Abstract |
• | Use of the ecosystem service approach for integrated estuarine management Kirsten Wolfstein, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany | Abstract |
• | What can ecosystem services do for you? From assessments to decisions Sabine Apitz, SEA Environmental Decisions, UK | Abstract |
Integrated sediment management Chairman: Richard Eertman, Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Netherlands |
• | Thoughts on sediment management Axel Netzband, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany | Abstract |
• | A conceptual model for advancing urban sediment management: allocating limited finances to deliver a sustainable outcome Eric Stern, Battelle, USA | Abstract |
• | Usefulness and necessity of asset management and structural cooperation in sediment management (zip-file: save, unpack and double-click prezi.exe for Windows of prezi.app for Apple) Guido Ritskes, Durable Blue, the Netherlands | Abstract |
• | Sustainability strategies for habitat restoration and sediment management in the face of global climate change Richard Wenning, ENVIRON, USA | Abstract 1 Abstract 2 |
• | Remediation as a contribution for a sustainable sediment management in the river Rhine Vera Breitung, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany | Abstract |
• | Sediment management in the Dutch Rhine: an integrated approach for navigation, safety against flooding and ecology Pol Hakstege, Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Netherlands | Abstract |
• | An example of researchers-stakeholders collaboration: the Observation network of the Loire river basin sediments (“Réseau O.S.L.A.”, France) Lauren Valverde, University of Tours, France | Abstract |
Sustainable dredged material management (part 1) Chairman: Axel Netzband, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany |
• | A ‘Decision Framework for Assessing Options for the Disposal and Treatment of Contaminated Dredged Material’ in England and Wales Chris Vivian, Cefas, UK (presented by Sabine Apitz, SEA Environmental Decisions, UK) | Abstract |
• | Achieving more with less. Lessons learned by the Oslo harbour case study, Norway Arne Pettersen, NGI, Norway | Abstract |
• | Summary of the Phase I Removal Action in the Lower Passaic River Philip Spadaro, The Intelligence Group, USA | Abstract |
• | Sustainable disposal of dredged material? An analysis of the Belgian situation Gert Van Hoey, ILVO, Belgium | Abstract |
• | Risk assessment & management of polluted sediments in areas with a nautical necessity – A case study from the Port of Antwerp, Belgium Agnes Heylen, Port of Antwerp, and Toon Moeskops, Ecorem, Belgium | Abstract |
• | SETARMS Project: Sustainable Environmental Treatment And Reuse of Marine Sediment Nathalie Dumay, APLM, France | Abstract |
Sustainable dredged material management (part 2) Chairman: Andrea Barbanti, ISMAR-CNR/RITMARE, Italy |
• | Novel scenarios for sustainable waterway sediments management deduced from a decision-support tool Bruno Lemière, BRGM, France | Abstract |
• | Succesful approach to ‘Keep the sediment navigable’ in Port of Delfzijl Jannes Kamphuis, Groningen Seaports, the Netherlands | Abstract Movie |
• | VAMORAS – Valorization of mechanically dewatered dredged sediments Liesbeth Horckmans, VITO, Belgium | Abstract |
• | Re-thinking cohesive sediment dredging management; a combination of fundamental and pragmatic research Renaat De Sutter, Antea Group, Belgium | Abstract |
• | A new multidisciplinary approach to dredged sediment management: Venice industrial channels and other tests Roberta Salvetti, 3V Green Eagle S.p.A., Italy | Abstract |
• | A check on the efficiency of an air bubble screen through the use of an artificial tracer: a test in the Port of Genoa (Italy) Marco Capello, University of Genoa, Italy | Abstract |
• | In situ sediment immobilization treatment: from demonstration to full-scale implementation Rebecca Gardner, Anchor QEA, USA | Abstract |
7 November |
Plenary session with keynote presentations Chair: Christophe Mouvet, BRGM, France / Vice-Chairman SedNet |
• | The EU Blueprint for water; implications for sediment management Claire McCamphill, DG Environment | |
• | The Common Forum on Contaminated Land in Europe: from national policy setting to RTD needs identification Dominique Darmendrail, Common Forum on Contaminated Land in Europe | Abstract |
• | Towards practicle guidance for sustainable sediment management using the Sava River as a showcase Damir Bekić, University of Zagreb, Croatia | Abstract |
Sediment quality issues Chairperson: Susanne Heise, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany |
• | The combination of chemical contamination, toxicity and in situ sediment structure is responsible for the low biodiversity of Lake Rummelsburg (Berlin) Georg Reifferscheid, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany | Abstract |
• | Development of an experimental method for the assessment of contaminated natural sediment Catrina Cofalla, RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Abstract |
• | Nematode-related criteria for sediment quality assessment Marvin Brinke, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany | Abstract |
• | A sensitive integrated approach to assess sediment quality: application to a low contamination case study (Minho River) Joana Raimundo, IPMA, Portugal | Abstract |
• | Spatially-explicit bioaccumulation modeling to support human health and ecological risk assessments in a decision analytic context Katherine von Stackelberg, E Risk Sciences, LLP, USA (presented by Sabine Apitz, SEA Environmental Decisions, UK) | Abstract |
• | Sediment characterization of the Augusta harbour (Sicily, Italy): modern benthic foraminifera in relation to grain-size and sediment geochemistry Elena Romano, ISPRA, Italy | Abstract |
• | Assessment of sediment contamination in an impacted estuary: differential effects and adaptations of sentinel organisms and implications for biomonitoring Pedro Costa, IMAR, Portugal | Abstract |
ECSA Special Session: Changing hydrodynamics of estuaries and tidal river systems Chairperson: Kate Spencer, ECSA |
• | Impact of natural and antropogenic changes on hydro- and sediment dynamics in tidal estuaries Henk Schuttelaars, TU Delft, the Netherlands | Abstract Animation |
• | New shallow water area in Hamburg in the frame of the Tidal Elbe Concept Manfred Meine, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany | Abstract Animation1 Animation2 |
• | Tracking the turbidity maximum zone in the Gironde estuary (SW France) based on continuous monitoring and radionuclides Sabine Schmidt, CNRS, France | Abstract |
• | How the tides changed in the Schelde-estuary under influence of natural changes and human interference Yves Plancke, Flanders Hydraulics, Belgium | Abstract |
• | The management of sediments near infrastructures founded on mobile beds João Rocha, LNEC, Portugal | Abstract |
• | Changing hydrodynamics and its impact on contaminant remobilisation from estuarine sediments Andrew Turner, University of Plymouth, UK | Abstract |
• | Coastal, geomorphology and ecohydrology Andy Plater, University of Liverpool, UK | Abstract |
Special Session: Mechanics of sediment transport Organisers: Mário J. Franca, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland and Rui M.L. Ferreira, CEHIDRO, Instituto Superior Técnico – TULisbon, Portugal |
• | Spatial-scale considerations when evaluating sediment transport model performance Carl Kirk Ziegler, Anchor QEA, USA | Abstract |
• | Advancements in assessment of contaminated sediment remobilization risks in unnavigable watercourses in Flanders, Belgium Thomas Van Hoestenberghe, Antea Group, Belgium | Abstract |
• | A natural-scale analysis of Estuarine Cohesive Sediments: the EsCoSed Project Matteo Postacchini, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy | Abstract Animation1 Animation2 |
• | An hydraulic monitoring system on a bridge over river Po Francesco Ballio, Politecnico di Milano, Italy | Abstract |
• | Mathematical modelling of transport of coal stockpiles by tsunami at Sines port Daniel Conde, CEHIDRO, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal | Abstract |
• | Long-wave-induced flows of stratified cohesive sediments Yong Sung Park, University of Dundee, UK | Abstract |
• | Modelling and numerical aspects of fluid-saturated granular materials: application to shear flows Christos Varsakelis, IMMC, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium | Abstract Animation1 Animation2 Animation3 |
• | Sediment suspension events and structures at the transition between flow acceleration and stabilization Fereshteh Bagherimiyab, University of Waterloo, Canada | Abstract Animation |
• | Sediment feeding effects on the bed morphology in channel confluences Sebastián Guillén, CEHIDRO, Portugal / LCH, Switzerland | Abstract |
• | Sediment transport within submerged model canopies under oscillatory flow Marianna Soler, University of Girona, Spain | Abstract |
• | The role played by the feed texture on the bed adjustments in sediment feed experiments Carles Ferrer-Boix, The University of British Columbia, Canada | Abstract |
Special Session: Relationships between sediment and biota in transitional water ecosystems and harbours Organisers: Monia Renzi, Alberto Basset, Maurizio Pinna University of Salento, Italy |
• | Sediment quality assessment vs analysis of impacts on biota: state of the art in Italy concerning sediment dredging Monia Renzi, University of Salento, Italy | Abstract |
• | Linking water column perturbations to soft-bottom biological element descriptors: the response of macroinvertebrates Maurizio Pinna, University of Salento, Italy | Abstract |
• | Does seagrass stimulate the bioavailability of mercury in contaminated sediments in a brackish fjord in Norway? Marianne Olsen, Telemark University College, Norway | Abstract |
Working Group: Strengthening the connection between science and policy for improved sediment management Organisers: Adriaan Slob, TNO, the Netherlands and Jos Brils, Deltares, the Netherlands |
• | The Green Week Jos Brils, Deltares, the Netherlands | |
• | SPI Sediment Management Adriaan Slob, TNO, the Netherlands | |
8 November |
Sediment quality and quantity issues Chairman: Eric de Deckere, Port of Antwerp, Belgium |
• | The geochemistry of sediments at the catchment scale and Multi isotope characterization (Pb-Zn-Cd-Hg) of the suspended sediments from the Loire River Basin Philippe Négrel, BRGM, France | Abstract1 Abstract2 |
• | Occurrence and mobility of metals in sediments from mountainous catchments: a case study in the River Douro basin (Northen Portugal) Anabela Reis, University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro / University of Coimbra, Portugal | Abstract |
• | Modelling sediment supply towards, and sedimentation processes in unnavigable watercourses in Flanders, Belgium Thomas Van Hoestenberghe, Antea Group, Belgium | Abstract |
• | Sediment quality management in the Netherlands: measures and prevention Marieke Prins, Rijkswaterstaat Centre for Water, Traffic & Environment, the Netherlands | Abstract |
• | Assessment of ecosystem services in dredging and marine construction works Cor Schipper, Deltares, the Netherlands | Abstract |
Interaction between fluvial, estuarine and coastal sediment Chairman: Carlos Vale, IPIMAR, Portugal |
• | Model supported monitoring of SPM in the Dutch coastal zone Katherine Cronin, Deltares, the Netherlands | Abstract |
• | Influence of internal versus diffuse sources on nutrients and trace elements in water: the case study of a eutrophic coastal lagoon Patricia Pereira, IPMA, Portugal | Abstract |
• | Sediment and biota monitoring of an offshore dredged-material disposal site in the German Bight – Assessment by means of the OSPAR-criteria Uwe Hentschke, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany | Abstract |
ARCH: Management of multiple pressures on estuaries and lagoons in a changing climate Chairman: Gijs Breedveld, NGI, Norway |
• | Ecosystem service in transitional and marine waters Francesca Somma, European Commission, DG JRC – Water Resources Unit | Abstract |
• | ARCH: Architecture and roadmap to manage multiple pressures on lagoons Amy Oen, NGI, Norway | Abstract |
• | From four “hotspot” lagoons to pan-European lagoons management: Lessons learnt so far from the FP7 LAGOONS project Ana Isabel Lillebø, University of Aveiro, Portugal | Abstract |
• | Evolutionary resilience and adaptation to climate change in European coastal regions Elizabeth Brooks, Newcastle University, UK | Abstract |
• | The relevance of sediments in eutrophic systems: a comparison of two European coastal lagoons (Óbidos and Lesina) Carlos Vale, IPMA, Portugal | Abstract |
• | Ecosystem services of sediments in marine spatial planning Ilona Kamińska, University of Gdansk, Poland and Jacek Zaucha, University of Gdansk and Maritime Institute in Gdansk, Poland | Abstract |
• | Sea meets Land Ingela Isaksson, County Administrative Board, Västra Götaland, Sweden | Abstract |
• | Stakeholder communication on sediment issues – a waste of time? Experiences from the Elbe Estuary Ivonne Stresius, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Abstract |
• | Multiple pressures on the Götariver, Sweden, management by stakeholder involvement Marie Haeger-Eugensson, IVL, Sweden | Abstract |
How to proceed with sediment research and management? Chairman: Marc Eisma, Port of Rotterdam Authority / chair SedNet |
Wrap-up of conference sessions by session chairpersons |
• | Wrap up Portuguese Session Luis Portela, LNEC, Portugal |
• | Sediments and ecosystems (and their services) Jos Brils, Deltares, the Netherlands |
• | Wrap up Sustainable Dredged Material management Axel Netzband, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany and Andrea Barbanti, ISMAR-CNR/RITMARE, Italy |
• | Wrap up Integrated Sediment Management Richard Eertman, Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Netherlands |
• | Wrap up Key note session 7 November Christophe Mouvet, BRGM, France |
• | Wrap up Sediment quality issues Susanne Heise, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany |
• | Wrap up ECSA Special Session: Changing hydrodynamics of estuaries and tidal river systems Kate Spencer, ECSA |
• | Wrap up Special Session: Mechanics of sediment transport Mario Franca, École Polytechnique Fédéreale de Lausanne, Switzerland |
• | Wrap up Special Session: Relationships between sediment and biota in transitional water ecosystems and harbours Monia Renzi, Maurizio Pinna University of Salenta, Italy |
• | Sediment quality and quantity issues Eric de Deckere, Port of Antwerp, Belgium |
• | Wrap up Interaction between fluvial, estuarine and coastal sediment Carlos Vale, IPIMAR, Portugal |
• | Wrap up ARCH Special Session Gijs Breedveld, NGI, Norway |
Results of Working Group sessions by initiators of Working Groups |
• | Working Group Beneficial use of Dredged Material Bruna Oliveira, Wageningen University, the Netherlands |
• | Working Group Strengthening the connection between science and policy for improved sediment management Adriaan Slob, TNO, the Netherlands |
• | Working Group Sediment in a changing environment Susanne Heise, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany |
Closing Session Marc Eisma, chairman SedNet |