5th SedNet Conference, 27-29 May 2008

Presentations (in pdf format)
Intro and Setting the scene
Contaminated sediments in a Norwegian perspective – Ellen Hambro, Norwegian Pollution Control Authority
Challenges in remediation of contaminated sediments in Norway Gijs Breedveld et al, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, NorwayAbstract
Lessons about sediment management learned from case studies: results of the meetings of DGE-plus – Piet den Besten et al, Centre for Water Management, NLAbstract
The Oslo Harbour Remediation Project – Torild Jørgensen et al, Oslo Port Authority, NorwayAbstract
A comparison of environmental sedimentology in four harbours – Bergen, Göteborg, Ventspils and Port San Luis – Rodney Stevens et al, Göteborg Univ, SwedenAbstract
Innovative use of remote sensing in combination with chemical borehole data results in superior insights in the spread of contaminated sediments – Fred de Haan et al, Waternet, NLAbstract
PCB-anomalies in the sediments of the harbour basin of Zadar (Croatia) as a consequence of war action and/or industrial contamination – Martin Kralik et al, Umweltbundesamt, AustriaAbstract
Modeling of dredging-induced sediment resuspension: remaining questions and progress towards answers – Thomas Borrowman et al, Engineer Research and Development Center US Army, USAAbstract
Modeling environmental impact caused by spreading of dredged material during dredging and deposition – Henrik Rye et al, SINTEF, NorwayAbstract
Contamination of fjords by urban run-off – Arne Pettersen et al, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, NorwayAbstract
Sediment quality assessment by Sediment Profile Imaging (SPI) in contaminated Norwegian harbour and fjords – Hans C. Nilsson, Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), NorwayAbstract
Definition of the natural sediment dynamics before the dredging of the port of Genoa, Italy – Marco Capello et al, University of Genoa, ItalyAbstract
Capping for management of contaminated sediments and dredging residuals – Thomas Borrowman, Carlos E. Ruiz et al, US Army Eng. Research & Development, USAAbstract
Opticap, thin layer capping of sediments using reactive and non-reactive materials, field studies – Gerard Cornelissen et al, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, NorwayAbstract
Design and implementation of an erosion protection barrier for mercury-contaminated sediments at Tollare, Sweden – Andrew Petsonk et al, WSP Environmental, SwedenAbstract
“Non-conventional” capping remedies for risk-based management of contaminated sediments in shallower inner-harbor areas – Joe Jersak et al, Biologge AS, NorwayAbstract
Stabilisation/solidification of sediments and soils – overview of technologies and experience – Stany Pensaert et al, DEC NV, BelgiumAbstract
Development of Mass Stabilisation Technique for Contaminated Sediments – Pentti O. Lahtinen et al, Ramboll Finland Oy, FinlandAbstract
Mechanical and chemical factors influencing the success of stabilisation / solidification of contaminated Norwegian marine sediments for use in land reclamation – Magnus Sparrevik et al, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, NorwayAbstract
Usage of mud in the land reclamation of harbor areas – building a handling area for automobile export in Bremerhaven, Germany – Dirk Lesemann et al, Planungsgesellschaft für Hafenflächenrecycling und Wasserbau mbH, GermanyAbstract
Managing Contaminated Sediments – continued
In-place treatment of persistent organic contaminants in sediments through addition of activated carbon sorbent – Richard G. Luthy et al, Stanford University, USA
Case Studies
Dumped ammunition – an environmental problem for sediment management? – Jens Laugesen et al, Det Norske Veritas, NorwayAbstract
Management of metal contaminated sediments in Sorfjorden, West Norway – an internationally known site – Jens Skei et al, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Gaustadallèen 21, NorwayAbstract
Thea Foss Waterway Remediation Project: An example of the risk-based, multi-technology approach to contaminated sediment management – Philip A. Spadaro et al, Arcadis US Inc., USAAbstract
Innovative methods to determine efficiency of remediation by sediment capping – Espen Eek et al, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, NorwayAbstract
The Norwegian Grenland fjord dioxin story – sediment remedial options and consequences – Kristoffer Naes et al, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, NorwayAbstract
Including contaminant budget principles i the monitoring program for sediment remediation efforts in Oslo harbour, Norway – Amy Oen et al, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, NorwayAbstract
The Water Framework Directive and setting environmental quality standards (EQS) for priority substances in sediments – Dorien ten Hulscher, Centre for Water Management, NL and Ana B. Payá Pérez, EC-Joint Research Centre, ItalyAbstract
Overview of the recommendations of WG-EG-EQS concerning environmental quality standards for metals in sediments – Katrien Delbeke, Eurocopper, Denmark, and Henning Clausen, EPA, DenmarkAbstract
Environmental Quality Standards for (organic) priority substances in sediments: the Water Framework Directive challenging science and vice versa – Marc Babut et al, Cemagref, FranceAbstract
Development of sediment quality criteria in Norway – Torgeir Bakke et al, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, NorwayAbstract
The use of the Sediment Quality Triad for quality assessment of freshwater sediments in Northern Spain – Pilar Rodrigues et al, University of Basque Country, SpainAbstract
Emerging Issues
Sediment management and stakeholder involvement – Michael Mery, Tomales Bay Watershed Council, USA, and Adriaan Slob et al, TNO, NLAbstract
Sustainable urban and environmental management restoration applications using sediment treatment systems with beneficial use – Eric A. Stern et al, US Environmental Protection Agency, USAAbstract
Valuing the benefits of remediating contaminated marine sediments – a case study from Grenlandsfjorden, Norway – David N. Barton et al, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, NorwayAbstract
Sediment management from a resilience perspective – Adriaan Slob et al, TNO, NLAbstract
A systems approach to water(soil) management: systems’ resilience as a challenge to organizations and innovation processes – Gerald Jan Ellen et al, TNO, NLAbstract
Science for RBM
Origins and causes of river basin sediment degradation and available remediation and mitigation options: Feedback from the Riskbase workshop – Corinne Merly et al, BRGM, FranceAbstract
Marching forward or flying blind? Ensuring that sediment management strategies and frameworks meet our objectives – Sabine E. Apitz et al, SEA Environmental Decisions Ltd., UKAbstract
A decision-making methodology for the management of dredged sediments on the basis of chemical and toxicological data – Alexandra Katsiri et al, Dept of Water Resources and Environment, NTUA, GreeceAbstract
Are polluted sediments a source of contaminants for the water column? – Philippe Bataillard et al, BRGM, FranceAbstract
Impact of shape and land use on sedimentation in greed flood retention reservoirs– Sven Wurms et al, Institute of Hydraulic Eng., University of Stuttgart, GermanyAbstract
River Basin Management
Global geochemical mapping and the particle bound flux of major world rivers – Rolf Tore Ottesen et al, Geological Survey of Norway, Norway 
Sustainable management of sediment resources: Sediment management at the river basin scale – Philip N. Owens et al, University of Northern British Columbia, CanadaAbstract
Where River Basin Management meets the European Marine Strategy – Diana Slijkerman et al, IMARES, NLAbstract
Risk assessment in risk-based management of European river basins – Michaela Hein et al, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, GermanyAbstract
Management of sediment quality and quantity in the Danube River Basin – Igor Liska, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, AustriaAbstract
Recent developments in the ICPR sediment management activities in the Rhine basin – Martin Keller, Federal Institute of Hydrology, GermanyAbstract
A basin-wide analysis identifying areas of risk in the Elbe watershed – Susanne Heise et al, BIS / TU Hamburg-Harburg, GermanyAbstract
Sediment transport in Norwegian rivers and antropogenic impacts. Case studies of importance to sediment management plans – Jim Bogen et al, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Administration, NorwayAbstract
Sediment in the urban Mersey river basin, northwest UK: implications for basin-scale management and sustainability – Kevin G. Taylor et al, Dept of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, MMU, UKAbstract
From monitoring to measures: Historical contaminated sediments in the Elbe river basin – Ulrich Förstner et al, TU Hamburg-Harburg, GermanyAbstract
WSV-Lab – an expert and management system for dredged material quality assessment in German Federal Waterways – Peter Heininger et al, Federal Institute of Hydrology, GermanyAbstract
River Danube – Danube Delta – Black Sea geosystem – Nicolae Panin, National Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-ecology, Romania
Sediment transport: a key issue for transboundary water management in the Danube basin – Hans-Peter Nachtnebel, University of Vienna, Austria

Posters (in pdf format)
Evaluation and recovery of heavy metal polluted coastal lagoon sediments: towards a sustainable remediation – Renata Pacifico et al, ENEA, Italy
R&D project for a sustainable management of shoreline and sea floor in Emilia-Romagna region – Emiliano Altavilla et al, Arpa Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Impact of unburnt hard coal particles in river and marine sediments: boon or bane for sediment mngt? – Christine Achten et al, Vienna University, Austria
Pollutants in urban stormwater runoff – studied by analysis of catch basin sediments – Morten Jartun, Geological Survey of Norway, Norway
From dredge spoil to concrete – Simon Bos et al, Tauw, NL
Monitoring of contaminant transport from Nearshore Confined Disposal Facilities – study of full scale stabilisation of dredged sediments in the Port of Trondheim – Randi Skirstad Grini et al, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway
In situ sludge consolidation: a sustainable and ecological solution for sludge disposal in river beds or landfills? – Winnie Dejonghe et al, VITO, Belgium
Measurement of geotechnical properties and physical stability of dredged material in a CAD – Tore Kvalstad et al, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway
Remediation of tributyltin-contaminated sediments and water – Eva Gkenakou et al, University of Southampton, UK
Utilization of sediment in a former domestic refuse dump – Jürgen Pelzer et al, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany
TAPARURA Project: Sustainable coastal development, including the decontamination and rehabilitation of the coastal area of the city of Sfax – Bart Callaert et al, Envisan NV, Belgium
Sediments management in small hydroelectric basins: Italian case studies – Mario Lagorio et al, URS Italia spa, Italy
The Svärtsjö project: environmental dredging and dewatering of pulp and pulp-sludges – Stany Pensaert et al, DEC NV, Belgium
Risk-based management of TBT-Contaminated sediments in Norway: remedial approaches, regulatory requirements and other challenges – Joe Jersak et al, Biologge AS, Norway
Unexpected results from risk assessment of mercury-contaminated sediments at Tollare, Sweden – Andrew Petsonk et al, WSP Environmental, Sweden
Evaluation of metal contaminated sediments from Sorfjorden, Norway – whole sediment-toxicity and bioaccumulation of metals – Anders Ruus et al, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Norway
Elevated PAHs concentration and risk assessment in floodplain soils impacted by coal mining– Thilo Hofmann et al, Vienna University, Austria
MODELKEY: New evidences on the impact of environmental key pollutants on aquatic ecosystems – Michaela Hein et al, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany
Sediment toxicity profiling: monitoring instruments for water quality – Cor Schipper et al, Deltares, NL
Risk assessment of landslides of contaminated soil into surface waters – an example from the Swedish west coast – Gunnel Göransson et al, Swedish Geotechnical Institute, Sweden
Innovative in situ treatment options for contaminated sediments – Jürgen Thomas et al, URS Deutschland GmbH, Germany
Characterization of the fluvial sediments: field determination of TPH concentration with Hanby Environmental Test Kit – Raffaele Pellegatta et al, ENSR Italia, Italy
Stability of contaminated sediments – a multidisciplinary research program – Gijs Breedveld et al, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway
XAD-4 mediated desorption of pentachlorobenzene from laboratory spiked sediment – Jelena Tričković et al, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Subsequent release of substances from aquatic sediments – Cor Schipper et al, Deltares, NL
Stimulation of degradation of brominated flame retardants in lake sediments by NOAH gypsum– Linda Thoresen et al, NOAH AS, Norway
Sediment sampling in mountainous rivers and potential implications for the Water Framework Directive: a case study in Northern Portugal – Anabela Reis et al, University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
Model Based Estimation of Contaminated Sediment Dynamics in Groyne Fields along the River Elbe – Sandra Prohaska et al, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Assessment of sediment contaminants in river basin. A case study of Po river – Roberto Mezzalama et al, Golder Ass., Italy
HCB-contaminated sediments in the Upper Rhine – a case study while developing a sediment management plan – Vera Breitung et al, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany
The role of environmental stewardship in sediment management: the example of the Fraser River basin, British Columbia, Canada – Philip N. Owens, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Trace elements, radionuclides and persistent organic pollutants in Sulejów reservoir bottom sediments (Poland) – Izabela Bojakowska et al, Polish Geological Inst., Poland
Priority assessment of heavily polluted area’s in Serbian riversheds; a practical approach – Rob Dijcker et al, Witteveen+Bos, NL
Heavy metals contamination of river sediments at the historical industrial areas in Poland –  Edeltrauda Helios-Rybicka et al, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Propagation of elevated cadmium contents of suspended particulate matter in the Dutch part of the Meuse river – Pauline van Gaans et al, TNO, NL